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SGA Brings Reusable Take-Out Containers to Commons

COMMONS -- Reusable take-out containers are now available for use in Salisbury University’s Dining Commons!

The SGA partnered with the university’s Dining Services to create an environmentally friendly and sustainable solution to Commons’ carry-out system, resulting in a simple process to reduce waste on campus.

SGA Director of Sustainability Abbi Pettinati and her Sustainability Committee worked diligently over the summer to develop the new program, where students, faculty and staff may purchase one of the reusable containers for just $5, fill it with their carry-out meal, and then return and exchange the used container for a fresh one.

Those who pay the one-time $5 fee will have unlimited exchanges moving forward, provided that the container is brought back to the return station in the Dining Hall after each use.

To enroll in the program, an initial reusable container may be purchased at the Cashier’s Station at the Commons, where university Dining Dollars are also accepted as payment.

The program kicks off a highly anticipated fall semester for the SGA with the expected return of nearly all students to SU's campus and many exciting initiatives already in progress across the organization's committees.

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Salisbury University Student Government Association Marketing & Communications

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